Information in English

  • If you are unable to order due to the fact that my e-shop is in Czech, do not hesitate to contact me at and we will put it together.
  • It is also possible to pay via PayPal, but since there are fees for the payment, I will add 7 % of the total amount.
  • Yes, I have lower prices on my e-shop than in various online shops (galleries) where I also sell, this is because I do not have to pay a fee to a third party for mediation.
  • If your country is not listed as a country of delivery, please contact me at and we will make an agreement.
  • For delivery outside the European Union, please contact me at 
  • If you still can't order, let me know and I'll switch the e-shop to English for a certain time.



Translation of states from Czech to English

Belgie Belgium
Bulharsko Bulgaria
Česká Republika Czech Republic
Dánsko Denmark
Estonsko Estonia 
Finsko Finland
Francie France
Chorvatsko Croatia
Irsko Ireland
Island Iceland
Itálie Italy
Kanada Canada
Lichenštejnsko Liechtenstein
Litva Lithuania
Lotyšsko Latvia
Lucenbursko Luxembourg
Maďarsko Hungary
Malta Malta
Německo Germany
Nizozemsko Netherlands
Norsko Norway
Polsko Poland
Portugalsko Portugal
Rakousko Austria
Rumunsko Romania
Řecko Greece 
Slovensko Slovakia
Slovinsko Slovenia
Spojené státy americké U.S.A.
Španělsko Spain
Švédsko Sweden
Švýcarsko Switzerland
Ukrajina Ukraine
Velká Británie Great Britain